No! Not Troll Hut!

I’ve done it! I thought, I’ve finally broken free of my eight year thrall to World of Warcraft! Time to start thinking about a new game to settle on, no more of this drifting nonsense.

And then Disconcur called out to me from his lair in a panic.

“My authenticator isn’t working and raid has started! Can you please log in to WoW and let Navi know what’s going on?”

No sweat, right? Just log on to my priest, pass on the news, and then log out again, right?

No, no. If I’m on, I really should drop in on my guild and say hi.

The whispers start almost straight away, and everyone is incredibly happy to see me.

I have only been offline for a few weeks, but in that time my raid leader quit, half the team followed suit and the casual raid leader I had appointed before going on break only showed up to one event before vanishing as well.

I was shocked. With the exception of that one bloke, my new officers had a handle on the situation. Shit got done while I was away. Important decisions were made and while they have suffered a pretty decent set back in terms of progression raiding, they have managed to put together a full roster and will start raiding again this week. I haven’t had to lift a finger. People cared enough to make sure they fixed it themselves.

What a relief. They have this totally under control and if I log out right now, it will be no big deal at all. Hmm.

I’d better just hearth first. It is a bit silly being out in the middle of nowhere

Big mistake.

"This isn't where I parked my car..."
“This isn’t where I parked my car…”

Evidently, Garrosh is still a massive bag of dicks and now troll hut is under siege. The troll hut where Casadella and I spent many an evening chatting with some Hot Aussie Blokes. Where our drunken conversations in /say made us some great friends and probably a few enemies. The place where I was lucky enough to be NavispammedThe place that had a bank and the auction house in the same freakin’ spot. I probably spent most of my time on Blackrock in that hut. It was our little piece of Azeroth.

That’s all changed now. No-one comes by to visit anymore and even the NPC’s are out on the streets…

“Oh, Makavu. Always so thoughtful.”

Suddenly I find myself logged into World of Warcraft for the second night in a row, flying around the Barrens collecting 600 items to help with the war effort.  Screw Sha and Pandas and whatever the hell happened in 5.2, THIS is the story line that got me excited for Mists of Pandaria. I really freakin’ hate Garrosh and I cannot wait to play a part in his demise. While 5.3 may not hold my attention for long, I am very interested to see where the story leads.

Looks like Blizzard will get another $15 out of me after all.

Come at me, Garrosh!
Come at me, Garrosh!

6 thoughts on “No! Not Troll Hut!

  1. You know, you’re gonna get sucked into the game like the rest of us. Right? Welcome back and enjoy yourself, there’s always things changing – for bad or worse, it’s a great addiction. 😀

    1. I will resist assimilation as long as possible! 😛

      It’s certainly proving a hard habit to break. Just when I think I’m free, awesome stuff happens both in my guild and in game that just ropes me back in.

    1. Last I saw their GM was hanging out in Diablo 3. God damned Orcs scaring away the hotties 😦

      Agreed with the story line! It’s the most invested I have felt in WoW lore for the longest time.

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